© CILEA Loudspeakers  |  Language  Dan / Eng

CILEA Loudspeaker                M A R I A N            A C O U S T I C            D E S I G N            M A T E R I A L S            H I S T O R Y            T E C H N I Q U E            P R I C E S



A high-end loudspeaker has a high standard of both quality and sound. We have developed a loudspeaker out of carefully selected high quality materials that sets the standards up to a level that can only be noticed by experts. The process starts from 24 carat gold connectors that transfer the signals through high-end components and further out to the patented and critically acclaimed loudspeaker purity of Scanspeak. Then the signals turn into instruments and notes, which produce a sound that is so specific and well controlled that it makes everything come to a standstill. Even when listening to the most well known classics, you will experience a very lively and detailed sound. Close your eyes and fall into this acoustic world and enjoy the detailed fingers of the guitarist move between the strings. Cilea Marian is designed to handle everything from soft soul to modern electronic music.




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